Dozens of journalists filled the Komnas HAM plenary room to witness the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding and the launch of the Indonesian Human Rights Festival, which will be held in Wonosobo from the 13th to 15th of November 2018.
The Memorandum of Understanding was signed on Wednesday, 3 October, 2018, by the heads of five institutions, namely the Chairperson of Komnas HAM- Ahmad Taufan Damanik, Chief of Staff of the Presidential Office -Moeldoko, Central Java Governor-Ganjar Pranowo, Regent of Wonosobo- Eko Purnomo, and Executive Director of INFID- Sugeng Bahagijo.
The five institutions have collectively agreed to the preparation and the organization of the 2018 Indonesian Human Rights Festival.
On 2018 marks the fifth HAM Festival. This year's event advocates the festival's primary message- to celebrate togetherness and excitement in the promotion and implementation of good human rights practices at the National and Regional level.
Ahmad Taufan Damanik expressed that the Human Rights Festival would promote good practices carried out in Wonosobo and other regions, in a fun and interactive way.
"Wonosobo was chosen because it is seen as an inspiration and is the quintessential town that will encourage neighboring regions to respect and promote human rights," Taufan said.
While Moeldoko hopes that the Human Rights Festival will build a new model for the promotion of human rights. Appreciating the geographic location and the effort to promote human rights, Moeldoko hopes that this festival would "bring the children, the TNI and the National Police together, in the hope that this event would encourage compassion so that the community would understand, enjoy and respect human rights."
Whereas Ganjar Pranowo explained that human right covers things in every aspect of human life, including those related to ethics education. "To respect human rights is to care for diversity," said Ganjar, who has also invited people to come to Wonosobo to enjoy the beauty of nature and culture.
Furthermore, according to Ganjar, the involvement of children in the Human Rights Festival is an important part of their early education as it builds self-control raises their human rights awareness.
Sugeng Bahagijo suggests that the Human Rights Festival will be seen as a peer to peer platform which would allow various regions to learn from each other with regards to the promotion and implementation of human rights.
Before the meeting concluded, Komnas HAM Commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara explained the 2018 HAM Festival concept and agenda which includes conferences, thematic discussions, exhibitions, cultural titles, film screenings, and field trips.
The Human Rights Festival is open to the public. (MDH/Jeff)
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