Police officers from the East Nusa Tenggara Regional Police (NTT) headquarters and officers from 16 other stations within the NTT region participated in activities carried out by Komnas HAM in collaboration with the NTT Regional Police and the National Police Division in Kupang, on Tuesday (23/10).
Activities such as the Socialization of the Human Rights Pocket Book were attended by 80 officers from the Crime, Tahti, Sabhara and Brimob units.
The opening ceremony was attended by all the main officers of the NTT Regional Police, including the Head of Legal Division of the East Nusa Tenggara Regional Police, Kombes Agus Heryawan.
The event was introduced by NTT Deputy Regional Chief of Police Brig. Gen. Victor Gustave Manoppo, Commissioner of Komnas HAM- Beka Ulung Hapsara, and the Head of the Human Rights Division of the National Police Division- Kombes Setiyono.
During his speech, Brigadir General Manoppo asserted that every member of the National Police should have a better understanding of human rights.
General Manoppo further asserted that "the task of law enforcement is very much in correlation with human rights," He also highlighted that limited access to transport and the lack of cultural diversity within their institution are some of the challenges faced by the NTT Regional Police.
In order to address the issue, General Manoppo suggests that in carrying out their duties, members of the National Police must attempt to better understand culture and cooperate with religious and cultural leaders.
Following this speech, Commissioner of Komnas HAM, Beka asserted that the cooperation between Komnas HAM and the National Police has signified the commitment between the two institutions to eradicte human rights violations.
However, Beka cautioned and firmly expressed that "although police related human rights violations are still amongst the highest in terms of complaints made to Komnas HAM, we have seen progress and a steady decline over the years."
Kombes Setiyono expressed his gratitude to Komnas HAM for providing the training which has enhanced the performance of National Police. Officers are now able to carry out their duties and obligations in-line with human rights obligations.
Officers enthusiastically participated in the Plenary Discussion Session, and were keen to discuss and inquire about Komnas HAM's investigation authority, police discretion, and severe human rights violations.
This session elaborated on training materials and presentations prepared by Komnas HAM Commissioner- Beka Ulung Hapsara, and AKBP Supriyono from the National Police Headquarter, and was moderated by Mimin Dwi Hartono from Komnas HAM.
During the afternoon session, Komnas HAM conducted an in-dept explanatory session on the application of the Human Rights Pocket Book for the Criminal Unit, the Military Unit, the Sabhara Unit and the Mobile Brigade.
The entire process and event was facilitated by Komnas HAM instructors, Adrianus Abiyoga, Roni Giandono and Sri Rahayu. (MDH)
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